Is Eva Longoria Related to Evan Longoria of the Tampa Bay Rays?
The answer is no according to SI.com and Wikipedia here and here.
You might ask what does either Eva Longoria or Evan Longoria have to do with this blog?
Well, I am learning how to drive traffic to this site. A couple of weeks ago I posted a sarcastic post about a statement Pamela Anderson made about Sarah Palin.
I have software that monitors where my hits come from. I noticed a number of hits from overseas. Some hits were obvious: South Korean defense installation IP address checking stories about the death of "Dear Leader", a London Business School IP address looking at my posts on the bailout and how the FDIC works, and an English language German paper ID checking a posting that had linked to it.
But a significant number of hits came in to look at the Pam Anderson posting. At first I thought it was due to my wit, but then I realized that the reader was probably searching for pictures of Pamela Anderson and came across my entry in their search engine results.
The nice thing is that some of these searchers stayed and read a few other posts.
So when my wife casually said she thought Eva and Evan Longoria might be related, I looked it up on google and found that they weren't. But I also found that there are a ton of hits on Eva Longorio and many on Evan Longorio as a misspelling.
So I thought I'd put their names in the title and a pic of her, to see how many hits come into this site for this blog. I'll let you know.
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