[George Soros is the creepy guy in the picture]
Update at bottom***********************
The market breathed a sigh of relief as the Dow was up over 900 points and world markets rebounded. The relief was based on the central banks of the Western world meeting and their plans to rescue the various banks and markets across the world.
This is good news but the storm may not have passed. Great Britain has nationalized it's three largest banks and George Soros is floating a plan for the US to buy equity [read controlling interest] in all of the American banks.
Of course, I don't trust George Soros. When he's happy about the government buying into banks, my warning system goes off.
Wait a minute...can you see Nancy Pelosi dictating who the banks should give loans to? OMG. It was Obama's advisors who ran Fannie Mae into the ground. [Click here for Washington Story.] Besides them, it was the Dems who pushed for open lending so everybody could get a loan. They ignored the Republicans warnings in 2006 that the system was broken. It was Mass. Rep. Barney Frank, head of the Congressional Banking Committee, who said in this past summer that going forward Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were doing fine.
My mind boggles.
Imagine the new Soros planned US Government owned bank loan application:
1. Purpose of Loan: Never mind!
2. Do you wholeheartedly believe in Global Warming? If yes, go to #3
3. Do you support same sex marriages? If yes, go to #4
4. Do you support putting more and more animals on the endangered species list? if yes, go to #5
5. Do you support more and more taxes?
If you answered no to any of these questions, LOAN REJECTED!
I'm having a nightmare while awake.
Next thing you know, they'll put some community organizer with no leadership experience in charge just because of hope, or change, or some such drivel.
Oh yeah, they're trying to do that now. His name is Obama.
Update: It appears the US is already planning to buy equity shares in the top nine US banks.
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