Friday, October 3, 2008

Who Won? Palin or Biden?

I personally think that Sarah Palin beat out Joe Biden in the debate, but I was impressed with how smooth Joe Biden was. Neither side scored a knock-out punch, but I thought Sarah did a great job of "answering the questions that the Joe Six-Packs and Hockey Moms want to have answered instead of the ones Joe [Biden] or the moderator wanted answered" [Note: Palin did say something like this but the quote is from my memory not my notes so she probably said it in a different manner but the essence was the same.]

From Tom Brokaw's comments afterwards, it appears that he thought Palin did very well (although a fellow political junkie from the left coast called me then to discuss it so I don't know how he finished his analysis).

Noted bloggist Michele Malkin thought that Palin not only won, she rocked:

By Michelle Malkin • October 2, 2008 10:50 PM

First, I would like to see all the Sarah doubters and detractors in the Beltway/Manhattan corridor eat their words.

Eat them.

Sarah Palin is the real deal. Five weeks on the campaign trail, thrust onto the national stage, she rocked tonight’s debate.

She was warm, fresh, funny, confident, energetic, personable, relentless, and on message. She roasted Obama’s flip-flops on the surge and tea-with-dictators declarations, dinged Biden’s bash-Bush rhetoric, challenged the blame-America defeatism of the Left, and exuded the sunny optimism that energized the base in the first place.

McCain has not done many things right. But Sarah Palin proved tonight that the VP risk he took was worth it.

Her performance also underscored the underhandedness of the hatchet job editors at ABC News and CBS News, which failed to capture her solid competence on the whole array of foreign and domestic policy issues on the debate table tonight. (I didn’t care for all the “greed” rhetoric, but I understand they are trying to appeal to independents and Dems. They’re trying to win the election.)

Pause to reflect on this: She matched — and trumped several times — a man who has spent his entire adult life on the political stage, run for president twice, and as he mentioned several times, chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Sarah Palin looked presidential.

Joe Biden looked tired.

Sarah made history.

Biden is history.
Prediction: Watch for a whole new, severe strain of Palin Derangement Syndrome to begin tonight.
They hated her before tonight. They are going to pour on more unfathomable hate at a level we have never seen before.

Sarah, we’re praying for you.

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