Hillary's Pumas [Party Unity My Ass] say: Well, duh! No joke.
But for Biden to admit it leaves us wondering whether the dems are floating a trial ballon and Biden will exit if Obama and his handlers want him to.
We suspect we know why Obama didn't pick Hillary in the first place. Hillary is a strong woman, from a politically strong marriage, it is likely that Bill and Hillary would have injected themselves into all of the country's business that they could, and reportedly Michele Obama didn't like her.
But all those reasons (or similar ones) didn't stop Ronald Reagan from picking his primary rival George H. W. Bush (the first one) as his VP candidate - and it is well known he hated George Bush.
So why else did Obama not pick the only democratic rival who got 18 million votes in the primary?
Was it because a woman and a black on a ticket would be too hard for the country to stomach? No. The racists and bigots weren't going to vote Obama anyway so adding a woman wouldn't have hurt.
Our guess is two things: George Soros (pictured above) a billionaire who likes to manipulate countries for his benefit (not just the US, he influenced Yeltsin to devalue the ruble even though Soros is a currency trader, and the results were disastrous for the Russian people). He is persona non-gratis in Russia now. Soros also started the ultra left wing moveon.org, slandered General Petraeus in full page NY Times Ads saying that the General would "Betray us" even before the General made his first report to Congress, funded millions of dollars of soft political donations to shadowy 527 groups that don't have scrutiny like the candidates, given massive funds to former "weathermen" (the ones that blew up buildings - including Obama's friend William Ayers) and more. [One story here.] and backed anti-US films. He has even told democrats that he has "bought the Democratic Party" and owns it now. [Click here for 56,000 links to story.]
Anyway, we think that Soros detested the Clintons because they did not give him the influence that he thought he should have had during President Clinton's 8 years in office. So with Obama up by 8 points before the DNC, we think Soros told Obama to skip Hillary as a payback to the Clintons and instead chose a non-dangerous white man (Biden - old time politico but from the tiny state of Delaware. Soros would not have to worry about him after Obama's term) and just cruise in to victory.
The other reason, of course, is that Obama thought he didn't need or want Hillary looking over his shoulder for 4 or 8 years. So he said "up yours" to the many women and men who had worked hard to elect Hillary.
Now the wheels are falling off as Republicans are energized over Sarah Palin = a female who appears to fight the big interests for the people and there has been a 15 point switch in likely voter preference to McCain/Palin.
Soros and Obama don't know what to do. The Obama camp is in a tailspin. Watch for some serious mudslinging, but we don't think Soros will allow Hillary to be put on the ticket at least until it is clear that the bleeding isn't being stopped.
One more question for Obama. What does a community organizer do, how much do you get paid, and who else paid your salary directly or indirectly over the past years since law school? Could it have been George Soros all this time?
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