NBC's Saturday Night Live did a skit this last weekend where NY Times reporters were trying to prove that Todd Palin committed incest, "as is done in backwards Alaska". In one way, it was a slam on NYT reporters for them trying to find any dirt whatsoever on Palin. But, it definitely also spread dirt on Palin in the way in which liberals slam the other side and then say they didn't really mean you. (Remember when Obama used the phrase "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig" and the democratic crowd knowingly laughed and then he claimed he wasn't talking about Palin at all. It's a typical MO.)
Skits have to be done in taste or skip it. Can anyone imagine a skit about Obama's mother hunting out a black man, the way "white women from Kansas do" or such other outlandish thing. Remember the outroar when the New Yorker ran the cartoon of Obama and Michelle in turbans with a portrait of Osama Bin Laden on the wall?.. Their were screams of impropriety then and there should be screams for decency here also.
Especially since it was NBC, which has pretty well established itself as a mouth of the left.

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