Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Congress on the Bailout: Keystone Cops to the Rescue

What the h--- is Congress doing about the bailout? They can't pass a plan. The plan they have agreed upon releases bailout funds a little at a time.

That's like having a fire at the Empire State Building and only sending a few fire trucks at a time.

That's like going to a doctor's office and getting only part of the medicine that you need.

Doctor: "You've got cancer and you need a full treatment of chemotherapy, but I'm going to prescribe that you only get partial treatments now. After your cancer has spread further, then we'll give you some more."

If you are going to do a bailout - if you need a bailout - then give the medicine in full and calm the markets down.

If you don't need a bailout then don't give any bailout.

And what have the candidates been doing? McCain put the bailout high on his priority list and suspended his campaign to go to Washington. He should, he's a senator and has been for a long time. He should be working with other senators to get the job done. But why did he fire off his mouth and declare he'd fire the head of the SEC, Christopher Cox? There will be a time for heads to roll, but why Cox? Did the SEC encourage bad lending practices? And why get everybody in the blame/avoid blame mode when a problem has to be solved? McCain - we don't need you to prove you're a maverick right now.

Obama finally showed up in Washington for a photo op and then left. His campaign says he's been on the phone every day to Treasury Secretary Paulson.

What the h--- is that? On the phone while a crisis is looming. Obama - you're a senator don't forget! (I know you have been one for such a short time that you probably forgot.) I bet you're doing the same thing you did in Illinois every time a tough piece of legislation came to a vote: you voted "present" so you wouldn't have to take a position. Obama - are you once again hiding from the tough decisions so you can blame it on somebody else? One way or another, if you win the election, you're going to be living with the loan debacle as we Americans will be.

We don't want you to vote present. We want leadership.

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