Friday, September 12, 2008

Obama Attacks McCain for not Using Email

Obama has launched a new attack ad alleging that McCain admits he's computer illiterate and doesn't know how to use email. [Play ad above.]

These allegations could seriously impact McCain's ability to be Commander-in-Chief. Imagine this scenario in McCain's unopened inbox:

Dear Pres. McCain,

u stink. we r now in process of attacking US with our mighty Russian power but u won't know this because u can't read email. LOL.


PS Buy vi*A*gra now at low, low prices from Russian pharmacy. Also low interest home loans.

PSS Also I have 15 billion rubles in an off shore bank account which i will transfer to u if u please give 2 me ur bank account number.


peacethroughstrength said...

Who cares. The president isn't allowed to use email anyhow. Come up with something better than that please. said...

Your point is well made, and my post was "tongue-in-cheek". Even if McCain knew how to use email, it wouldn't make any difference. The President of the US is way too busy to be answering emails. So I think we agree.

Anonymous said...

Mr. President:

<3 <3 <3
