Sunday, September 7, 2008

Zogby Poll: McCain over Obama by 4%

Zogby Poll just released.  McCain/Palin at 49.7% Obama-Biden at 45.9%.  Poll here. Thanks to for the picture.


Anonymous said...

I heard today that Palin used to be a member of a church (in ~2000) where they were real radical -- they believed God's Word literally, they believed God still does miracles, they spoke in tongues. Good for her! When she became more known in politics she subsequently has attended more main stream churches. (Sad that politics effects our walk like that).

Source was the NY Times but reported though a local political show here in the DC area.

The point was made that it took the same news sources about a year to look into Obamas church affiliation, but less than a week to drill down into hers.

Anonymous said...

In support of my previous post, here is a CNN streaming video (Sorry, looks like "some assembly required" due to how this Blog is set up -- you'll have to type the link into your browser youself & remove the hard breaks)

Also -- You can also merely surf on: Palin "NY Times" religion

Rock On,
Anonymous DC Dude