Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Did Obama Use Sexist Term in Calling Palin a Pig?

Obama in a stump speech said that "even if you put lipstick on a pig, you still have a pig". The audience (Obama supporters) laughed loudly. Many think he was referring to Palin who at the Republican convention said she was a hockey mom and the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is lipstick.

Now would lipstick be a gender specific term?

What if one candidate was an Arab American and somebody made a joke referring to camels? Or a candidate was Indian American and one made a joke about convenience stores (like Joe Biden did)? Or if one candidate was African American and one made a joke about putting on whiteface (a twist on the "blackface" that actors used to put on to portray African Americans). Would the media be enraged about those comments?

I think so, but where is the outcry today?

You decide what Obama meant...

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