Scott Rassmussen reports that:
Since 1860, the year that Abraham Lincoln became the first Republican president, only three Democrats have won the White House with a majority of the popular vote. Each of the three—Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, and Jimmy Carter—were aided by extraordinary circumstances.
Roosevelt was elected during the depths of the Great Depression. Johnson was elected less than a year after he assumed the presidency following the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Carter was elected in the immediate aftermath of Watergate, a time that makes even the current challenges faced by the Republican Party seem tame by comparison.
For a while, it appeared to many that Barack Obama might be able to expand the traditional limits of Democratic appeal and break through the 50% ceiling. But despite all the polling done by Rasmussen Reports and others this season, he has not yet broken through that barrier.
Keep in mind that a person becomes the President of the US after winning a majority of the electoral college votes. That's the way our founding fathers set it up. But usually, winning the electoral college vote means you also won the majority vote. Read here and here about the electoral college.
1 comment:
Great post, and very true.
Over the last 100 years, "Progressives" (really Communists, who call themselves "Progressives") have done everything in their power to dismantle the foundation upon which our nation was built and prospered.
People laughed when Hillary Clinton spoke of a "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy", but the more I investigate and read, the more convinced I become that there really is a Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy.
Now consider this...each of the three events mentioned above were triggered by the actions of certain individuals.
Milton Friedman won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences "for his achievements in the fields of consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and for his demonstration of the complexity of stabilization policy". He showed that the Great Depression was triggered by the actions of the Federal Reserve, which encouraged speculation.
JFK's assassination was deliberate, whether it was by a lone gunman or a Communist Conspiracy. Anti-Communist Kennedy was replaced with LBJ and his Socialist "Great Society".
While Nixon did some things wrong, the drive to impeach him was driven by the Communists.
And now, they're trying to create several crises in an attempt to get Barack Hussein Obama elected. Current "above the fold" Drudge Headlines:
Gold prices post biggest 1-day gain ever...
Government steps in again, bails out AIG with $85B...
Three-Month Bill Rates Plunge to Lowest Level Since 1950s...
CBS NEWS: 'Who'll Bail Out Uncle Sam?'...
Russia's Markets Halted for Second Day; Emergency Funds Fail to Stem Rout...
Russia threatens to seize swath of Arctic...
Rice to make 'significant' speech on Russia...
They want to create a crisis and then tell people (via the biased MSM) that the only solution is to elect Barack Obama. Listen to Barack's own words:
But the crisis on Wall Street "has suddenly focused people's attention, and it's reminded people of what's at stake. It's reminded people that this is not a game. This is not a reality show, no offense to any of you," Obama said as the crowd erupted in laughter. "This is not a sitcom."
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