Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain Throws Lipstick Back in Obama's Face

New McCain Ad on YouTube:

UPDATE 9/10/09 AT 3:30 PM.

This video is no longer available. John McCain's site says: "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by CBS Interactive Inc"

This is tantamount to censorship. I saw the video. All it had was a clip of Palin talking about the difference between hockey moms and pit bulls being one wears lipstick, then a clip of Obama saying you can put lipstick on a pig but you still have a pig, and then the closing of a pic of Obama with the title Ready to Lead? or Ready to Smear?

So it appears that CBS does not want McCain making mileage off of a clip they shot of Obama slamming Palin.

What is this? A media that decides for us what we'll know about the candidates? Do they think they can protect Obama by limiting video of him?

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