Newsweek actually printed an article favorable to Sarah Palin. Please read all the way to the bottom!
Newsweek stated:
In Alaska, Palin is challenging the dominant, sometimes corrupting, role of oil companies in the state's political culture. ..." For Palin, that has meant tackling the cozy relationship between the state's political elite and the energy industry that provides 85 percent of Alaska's tax revenues... But even as she tackles Big Oil's power, Palin has transformed her own family's connections to the industry into a political advantage. Her husband, Todd, is a longtime employee of BP, but, as Palin points out, the "First Dude" is a blue-collar "sloper," a fieldworker on the North Slope, a cherished occupation in the state. "He's not in London making the decisions whether to build a gas line."
In an interview with NEWSWEEK, Palin said it's time for Alaska to "grow up" and end its reliance on pork-barrel spending. Shortly after taking office, Palin canceled funding for the "Bridge to Nowhere," a $330 million project that Stevens helped champion in Congress. The bridge, which would have linked the town of Ketchikan to an island airport, had come to symbolize Alaska's dependence on federal handouts. Rather than relying on such largesse, says Palin, she wants to prove Alaska can pay its own way, developing its huge energy wealth in ways that are "politically and environmentally clean."
But uhhh, don't bother looking for this article in this week's Newsweek. It was printed October 15, 2007, back before Palin was on the McCain team challenging The One and his VP candidate Biden.
H/t to Drudge Report and The Fix from the Washington Post
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