Who's got the best one-liners in politics? Why Joe Biden, of course. Try these actual lines out on your funny bone:
Last year he called Obama bright and clean and articulate. (is he a credit to his race, Joe?)
And he said you needed a slight Indian accent to walk into a Dunkin' Donuts or 7-11 in Delaware.
When announced as the VP candidate, he referred to his party's presidential nominee as "Barack America".
He noted that his own wife, Jill, a college professor, was "drop-dead gorgeous" but who, problematically, possessed a doctorate. (That got him the professional women's vote!)
In Florida, last week, he referred to the "Biden administration," before quickly correcting himself to say the "Obama-Biden administration".
But by far, the best gaffe has been earlier this week, in Columbia, Missouri, when Biden urged a state official to stand up to be recognized.
"Chuck, stand up, let the people see you," Biden shouted to State Senator Chuck Graham, before realizing, to his horror, that Graham uses a wheelchair. "Oh, God love ya," Biden said. "What am I talking about?"
Ta-ta boom. We'll be here all week folks, be sure to tip your waitresses!
Full story here. Thanks to Drudge Report.
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