Do you remember the kid you just wanted to smack in high school because he was so nerdy that he was irritating? Bill Gates in his new set of commercials "I'm a PC Too" is trying to tell us the losers, the big losers in business and life, use his old fashioned PC.
Look, we're not taking about Raymond Higgenbotham, the kid in my advanced calculus class in high school who borrowed a college trig text book and did all the problems over his spring break. No despite his white socks, pencil protector, plaid shirt, and thick glasses, we liked Raymond. He was brilliant and odd but not irritating.
Bill Gates' lame efforts to show us that some other nerdy people use PCs to get us to use PCs is falling flat on its face.
I personally hate the Indian guy who sits behind a desk and says: "I'm a human being, not a human doing, or a human thinking, but a human being." He has a smug smile as if he has pulled some celestial wisdom out to display to us, that we don't have.
A human being not a doing or a thinking?? Well I'm thinking I would like to be strangling that irritating idiot the next time the I'm A PC commercial comes on.
Bill - your people are irritating. ("I wear glasses...I wear glases too! is equally irritating) Is that supposed to make me buy a PC with your disappointing Vista on it?
Huey Lewis once sang:"It's hip to be square" but he didn't say it's hip to be irritating.
Bill, your windows company is so yesterday. We don't like Vista and it doesn't matter if you get some odd balls to look at it in your Mohave experiment. It still is unwieldy and merely tries to mimic what Apple's MAC OSX did a year or 2 ago. Microsoft needs to innovate, something it has not done since you were at the controls. Go back and do your foundation.
PS Bill, if your going to hire a celebrity to be with you in commercials to show you're normal, then pick someone that has had a success this decade. Jerry Seinfeld was very funny - once - but his re-runs are old. His show was a show about nothing. They were trying to get people to watch a show about nothing. His appearance with you shows us that the commercials carry a message of nothing to us. Nothing.
What will be next? Kramer going cross country with Steve Ballmer??
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